At school, everyone diligently learned – or not very much – the rules of spelling. And they even learned about it, but over time it was somehow forgotten, and there is no more time to re-read textbooks. invites you to remember some rules regarding perhaps the most common type of error.
One should not dwell on the simplest standards, which most people follow intuitively, without even remembering them. Let’s choose a more interesting topic.
For example: why “car repair”, but “commercial and industrial”? Because if the word combination is based on the word “car repair”, then the derivative is written together. If the two words forming the third are equal and between them, you can put “and” – “commercial and industrial”, then we write by hyphen.
And what about adverbs? This topic is too broad to analyze, and therefore we will give only two basic rules. The first is the rule of a solid form: adverbs are written with words that will not make sense without the adverb itself. For example, “inside”, “unlike” and so on. Secondly, there is a fixed list of exceptions, in which the adverbs “no” and “neither” are written with words. There are only twelve of them, it’s easy to remember: once, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, there is no need, never, anywhere, nowhere, nowhere, nothing, not at all, not at all. To check, use stress: in words with emphasis on an adverb, “no” is written, without emphasis – “neither one nor the other”.
They also cause problems with the combined or separate spelling of prepositions. The prepositions themselves are written together; but it happens that a preposition meets a noun, and then they are written separately. And they sound the same! Here, in fact, it is not necessary to give the rules, it is enough to give a few examples and enter the general scheme. For example:
“Talk about the phone” – “Transfer money to the phone bill.”
“Visit the cinema instead of the theater” – “Come to a place called the theater.”
However, it should be remembered that it is not always possible to reformulate a sentence and insert a word between a preposition and a noun. Some other examples:
“In view of the trip, he did not come” – ” Keep in mind”
“Due to the heat, the trip was canceled.”
This is indicative enough to remember without a digression into the theory.
As for the spelling of particles, here it is enough to remember that some of them are separated by a hyphen (someone, somewhere, somehow, wait a minute, yes, he-de, some, after all), others – separately (even (w ), would be (b), let it be (e), as if, say, as if, with someone, after all, they say). And another part is an exception, which even the textbook does not justify – they are usually printed just like that with the postscript “Remember”, without any explanation. There are not many of them: exactly the same, the same, the same, immediately, all the same, besides, this and that. But it’s worth remembering, otherwise you can accidentally get numb-and it probably will not be pleasant.